The Gripping Mystery Behind the Hand Logo of GRIP Paranormal


Welcome, fellow seekers of the supernatural! If you're someone who loves exploring haunted locations, unearthing historical secrets, and uncovering spine-chilling mysteries, then you're in the right place. Today, we're going to delve into the gripping meaning behind the hand logo of GRIP Paranormal, a symbol that encapsulates our passion for the paranormal.

The Hand as a Universal Symbol:

Throughout history, the hand has held significant meaning across various cultures and belief systems. It is a symbol of power, protection, unity, connection, and healing. Our hand is the ultimate tool, allowing us to interact with the world and leaving our unique mark on it. Similarly, the hand logo of GRIP Paranormal represents our mission to touch the unknown, protect our team, and connect with the spirits that dwell in the ethereal realms.

The Hand's Spiritual Significance:

Paranormal investigations often involve reaching out to the supernatural, making the hand an apt representation of our work. It symbolizes our intent to make contact with spirits, communicate with the other side, and bridge the gap between the material and immaterial worlds. This logo serves as a constant reminder of our commitment to exploring the mysteries that lie beyond the veil.

The Protective Gesture:

In addition to its spiritual connotations, the hand logo also embodies a gesture of protection. Just as a hand shields and defends, GRIP Paranormal aims to safeguard the truth and preserve the history of haunted locations. We understand the importance of respecting these places and the spirits that reside within them. Our team is dedicated to conducting thorough research, documenting evidence, and sharing our findings with the utmost integrity. The hand logo serves as a promise to our clients and the paranormal community that we will handle their experiences and stories with care, respect, and honesty.

The Unique Identity of GRIP Paranormal:

The hand logo of GRIP Paranormal sets us apart from other paranormal investigation groups. It represents our commitment to professionalism, compassion, and a strong belief in the supernatural. We strive to create an inclusive and welcoming community for both skeptics and believers, where everyone can come together to explore the unknown.


The hand logo of GRIP Paranormal is more than just a symbol. It embodies our passion for the paranormal, our dedication to uncovering the truth, and our promise to protect the stories of haunted locations and the spirits that inhabit them. Join us on this gripping journey as we dive into the mysteries of the supernatural and leave our own mark on the world. Together, let's uncover the secrets that lie beyond the veil and discover the hidden truths that await us in the ethereal realms.

Meet the Team

  • Aaron

    Musician by day and Paranormal investigator by Night. I've been into the Paranormal since my teenage years. Now, for about 8 years or so, I started investigating and debunking with cool tools and cameras. I have even learned to accept some God-given gifts along the way! Although they were not wanted!

  • Jenn

    Has always been intrigued by the unexplained. She’s been with GRIP since its inception focusing on paranormal research. Jenn is empathetic, loves history and architecture, and is currently studying to become an angelologist.

  • Stephanie

    Had been a skeptic and non-believer for many years. She questions everything and everyone. However, she had a personal experience many years ago in New Orleans that could not be explained or debunked. This helped her to become extremely interested in the paranormal field. Stephanie travels around the United States to try to find some answers to the paranormal. She loves helping people. Stephanie uses her personal skills as well as some interpretive equipment.

  • Brenda

    A gifted Intuitive Tarot Reader, Intuitive Medium, and Reiki Master who uses her skills to connect with energies during paranormal investigations. Brenda’s fascination and connection with the paranormal started at a young age and has developed over her lifetime. She feels that connecting with the spirit world is truly magical, and it can leave you and your spirit with a feeling of peace, acceptance, and love.

    Looking for a reading head over to

  • George

    Started investigating the paranormal in 2015 after he retired from the business world and his wife told him to find a hobby, outside the house. Since then, he has been involved in conducting historical and paranormal research, serving as a tour guide for several haunted venues, doing presentations about the paranormal at several Metro East libraries, and coordinating/conducting paranormal investigations for businesses and private residences in Illinois and Missouri. George’s motto when conducting an investigation is “not everything is a ghost”.

  • Scott

    Has been interested in the paranormal world for over 30 years. He began with curiosity but has transformed into the man with all types of equipment. Specializing in electronic communication, Scott uses his electronic equipment and other arrays of equipment to find or debunk proof and answers. Scott can be found with an overwhelming amount of evidence on his phone and devices. Scott is always on the search for new techniques to communicate and capture evidence. Scott brings this skill to help others with compassion and safety.

    My motto is, "The Truth Is There Or Not!"